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A b o u t  Global Travelink LTD.

W E L C O M E,   B I E N V E N U E,   
B E M - V I N D O 

Global Travelink Ltd. was 
founded in 1983 as an 
international travel 
service designed to 
meet the needs of 
the discerning 
corporate and 

During this 
period the 
company has 
acquired an 
reputation of 
putting the customer 
first and providing 
personalized service to its rapidly growing roster of global clientele.  Today Global Travelink represents one of the best sources for hotel accommodations worldwide especially in the major cities of Europe and during important sold out trade fairs. 

During the current year we at Global Travelink have taken the time to ensure that our services are of the highest standards as we present our clients with a brand new web site.  As you will notice from the new corporate logos and presentation nothing is being left to chance to ensure this new medium's success.

As Chief Executive of Global Travelink Ltd I would like to thank you for visiting this new and exciting project.  This website was designed to improve our growing services, as new technologies take place over the marketplace, GLOBAL TRAVELINK.COM is a tool that we think will help you choose the right hotels for all your international travel needs, giving you more time for what is important-planning successful business meetings. 

A specially important new dimension in our global efforts is the addition of a new European representative office based in Lisbon, Portugal.  As we keep working to ensure you time saving solutions we hope you will continue to choose our services, and as importantly bring them to the attention of your family, friends and colleagues.




Tinoo Puri



  G l o b a l   A d v a n t a g e s

E x p e r i e n c e Over 19 years of assisting Fortune 500 Companies, State Delegations and individuals with hotel accommodations during sold out periods.  
Q u a l i t y Personal service and first hand knowledge of selected hotels.
P r i c e Competitive prices to meet all budgets.
F l e x i b i l i t y   Wide variety of accommodations to fit your needs.






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